Welcome, friend!
On my wedding day, I was a spry young man. As a friend would say, "Just a pup." I was ready to set off on the journey of a lifetime.
Just like that fine young couple in the picture, we are about to embark on a journey. Together, we'll seek out what it means to live an authentically Catholic marriage.
My name is Chet. It's a pleasure to have you!
I've been married for just over six months now. It is has been unlike anything that I could have ever expected. The truth is, before I got married, I didn't know much about what it meant to be married. I still don't.
The problem is there isn't a good source of information out there. There isn't a good place to go and gain insight into a vocation to married life. I'm hoping to change that here.
You see, if you ask married people what being married is like, you don't get a complete answer. How could anyone sum up the Sacrament? How could they use language to help you emotionally and intellectually grasp what it means to be married? Yet, it is vitally important that you understand it.
We have a distressing lack of solid Catholic marriages firmly rooted in faith and love. Of course, there are many good marriages; I bet you can name a few right now. But, sadly, others struggle. I believe that knowledge and prayer can change that.
We need to reclaim our understanding of marriage. Marriage is a blessing and a gift. It's the vocation God call's us to live!
From the beginning of time, I was created with my gifts, talents, abilities, and experiences to live in covenant and community with my wife and together to know, love, and serve God.
So begins this journey. We'll share a story, explore, learn and fail forward together.
Through this blog, I seek to gain a more profound knowledge of living an authentically Catholic Marriage. I aim to challenge you to reflect more deeply on who you are as a person and on your faith. I seek to encourage both the married and the single to look more deeply at what marriage is and means.
This blog is a conversation. I don't know a lot about marriage. I'm looking forward to learning and growing with you. I'm glad that you're here.
Tags: Communication Generosity