Catholic Husband

Love / Lead / Serve

Hi, my name is Chet. Welcome to Catholic Husband.

This personal blog focuses on sharing my experiences and lessons learned in married life. I’ve been writing here since 2013 with Alison, my wife, serving as my editor since the very beginning. In addition, I’m an at-home dad with four young kids.
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About Catholic Husband

Shortly after Alison and I were married in 2012, I developed an intense desire to write. I’ve always enjoyed writing, having fallen in love during my high school years. I studied Philosophy at Franciscan University of Steubenville (where Alison and I met). Writing is a way to develop my thoughts and process my experiences.

There are plenty of resources, magazines, articles, and blogs for wives and brides-to-be, but few for men looking to be the best husband that they could be. On March 19, 2013, I published the first post on Catholic Husband.

Since then, I’ve experimented with different publishing schedules, offerings, and opportunities to connect. Right now, I’m focused on writing great blog posts and sharing them regularly. In addition, I’ve written three books, including The Transition: A Practical Guide to Engagement for Men and Grant Us Peace. My latest release is Humble Service: Leading Your Family as a Stay-at-Home Dad.

There are over 1,000 blog posts on the Catholic Husband blog covering various topics, including fatherhood, Catholic life, and careers. These posts will help you love, lead, & serve your family.

I hope you find Catholic Husband to be helpful in your life and your marriage!

Get Started

If you're brand new to Catholic Husband, it may be overwhelming to know where to start. So, I've put together a few of my all-time favorite (and most popular) blog posts for you to enjoy!

Your Role as Husband

The role of husband is perhaps the most challenging role that any man faces. As a single man, the world was your domain. You chose your coming and your going. You chose what you ate, when you ate. You did all of your own social planning, shopping, and travel. As we stepped into the role of husband, and subsequently the role of father, all of that changed.

Like An Abbot

St. Benedict is a well known figure within Catholicism, but his impact had a direct role on the preservation of Western Culture. Benedict grew up in an affluent Italian family and was sent to Rome to continue his studies. While there, he applied himself to his schooling, but was appalled by the moral weakness of his peers. In frustration, he fled.

Pam, Paul, & Porn

There’s no renewal without conversion. There’s no mercy without justice. There’s no Resurrection without the Cross. These axioms define what it means to be a Christian. Our lives must be in a constant state of renewal as we conform ourselves to Christ.

Dear Benedict, Live Purely

I wanted to write you this letter because it’s my responsibility to help you grow into the man that you were made to be. You were created with a very specific purpose in the course of Salvation History. Your mother and I are so privileged and honored to have you in our lives. You are a constant source of joy and fulfillment to me personally and to our marriage. You are truly the fruit of our love.