With the internet, you are able to connect with people in ways never before possible.
Growing up, my dad was in the military. Every year or two, we’d move. I would have really great friendships that would end because we were no longer able to communicate.
I graduated from college three years ago and still connect with some my friends on a daily basis!
This is a blessing. It is a blessing to be able to get the best information on any subject, to maintain bonds of friendship, and to “feel” close to your family. It is a blessing to share ultrasound photos of your first child to your family 700 miles away.
As a husband, the internet is also a huge liability.
Here’s why.
Technology is a double edged sword. It can inform, but it can also destroy. According to an article in the New York Post, the word “Facebook” appeared in 1/3 of divorce filings in the United States. Affairs both physical and emotional are easier than ever to wander into.
It is all so innocent. Reconnecting with a friend from high school who you had a thing with can be fun. And that’s where the danger is. Fun turns into emotional infidelity and beyond that, maybe physical infidelity. The internet can be a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Here is how I have dealt with this potential threat:
I don’t use technologies that can easily lead to sexting (ex. Snapchat)
I severely limit my time on Facebook, and typically only use it when my wife is home
I have clear boundaries with what types of communication and humor are appropriate, especially in text messages
I’m not batting .1000, but I have a plan. The best way to defeat a threat is to eliminate it’s potential. You wouldn’t pull a Ron Swanson and store your oily rags over your wood burning stove.
Bottom line, remember that the internet can exaggerate reality. You chose your wife for a reason, well, hopefully more than one. Keep those reasons in mind. See the potential for disaster and avoid the possibility.