I’m the youngest of three kids. Before I had my first child, I didn’t know anything about kids. I understand that my little ones may be confusing, but there’s something that I want you to know.

In their eyes, you’re a superhero. We talk about you regularly in our home, and always with respect for you and your office. That’s why they’re so excited to see you every Sunday morning. They giggle, wave, and even call out to you during the Mass. Sorry about that, they’re just seeing someone they truly admire.

I know that you want to keep a certain decorum and reverence during the Mass. I want that, too. But it’s ok for you to wave to them as you process in, or shake their little hand on the way out. It’s ok to flash them a smile as you preach your homily. When the come up with me during Communion, they love to receive a special blessing from you.

After Mass, my smaller ones may walk up to you and reach up towards you, asking to be held. Go ahead and pick them up! Shake their little hands, give them a hug, and tell them how happy you are to see them.

I love seeing how my kids so willing to let you know just how special you are to them. They are able to show externally the internal disposition that so many of us hold. You are very important in our lives, bringing us the Sacraments that we need to make it through the day.

I’m sorry if they’re distracting at times, but please, make sure they feel acknowledged. You’re helping my wife and I reinforce deep in their minds that Church is a wonderful place, it’s where they belong, and that our faith is foundational in our lives.