I remember exactly how I felt. It was the fall of 2018 and two years into our new life out west, I was at my (then) highest weight ever. Alison and I decided to make a change, and as the calendar flipped to 2019, we eased into an entirely new lifestyle.

It wasn’t just that we wanted better guidelines for what to eat and how to fuel ourselves, as two exhausted young parents of three little kids, it was that we needed to take control. My headaches were derailing our life, and it was time to make the change.

Together, we slowly eased into it, with a one-week transition. It wasn’t perfect, there were times we fell off the wagon, but we were committed. I walked almost every day, and by Halloween, we had hit our goal. And it held for nearly four years.

The last two years have been a one-two punch of stressors bigger than we’ve faced before, and we lost ground. All of it. Through it all though, I never lost sight. I never gave up on my identity as a walker, or the sure belief that if I did the work, I’d reach my goal. Where I am is a temporary condition, a mile marker on the journey back.

Now settled, we’re back in the game, and it’s incredible how fast everything changes when you flip the switch. Health is a treasured gift that must be protected because once lost it is incredibly difficult to get it back. I have a full life, and to be prepared to tackle the daily obligations, I have to be at my best. I’m getting there because I never lost hope.

What’s true for physical wellness is true for spiritual wellness. We never give up on becoming the people we were made to be. When things get hard, when we fall down, we remember whose we are, flip the switch, and get back into the game.