Starting Over
In the 5th grade, my teacher, Mr. Gleeves, would start most days by announcing, “Today is the first day of the rest of your lives.” That was over 25 years ago, but now as I sit down to write this, those words are coming to the fore.
Life is considerably more complicated than it was to my 5th grade-self. I have my children to tend to, a job, and all the responsibilities that come with being an adult. It’s a lot to manage, and it means that I take my eye off the ball regularly.
I’m not a robot, and I cannot reasonably expect myself to adhere methodically to my ideal schedule. Yes, if I did everything in strict time blocks, I would have time to get it all done. But life doesn’t work that way.
Many times a day, a week, a month, I have to start over. And while it may be discouraging at first, having to build momentum again starting from zero, I’m still in the fight. I haven’t quit, I haven’t given up, and I’m not staying where I’ve been. That is something to look forward to.