There’s something about waypoints in our lives that lead us to become pensive. We reflect, look back, and plan for a brighter tomorrow. These endings come at regular intervals and for all sorts of reasons. They’re yet another reminder, in our busy frenetic world, to slow down and think.

I’ve reached one such moment. Everything in my life is about to change, as we set off on a new adventure. As I look back and the years that we’ve been in our current town, I start to see the good in things again. Those ordinary moments that shaped our family, the progress we made in taking care of our home, and the business that I’ve grown all take on new meanings for me.

We do not know the plans that God has for us, but with the benefit of hindsight, we can see the genius of it all. The little, seemingly insignificant events that ended up being turning points. I’m grateful for them all, and ready to see what’s coming next.