Wall Street is obsessed with disruptors; those companies that take a stale industry and deploy an entirely new approach, dislodging the entrenched powers. We’ve seen it time and again is business, sports, and wars when a dark horse comes out of nowhere, changes the game, and beats the unbeatable opponent.

There’s a reason why disruption is such a useful tool: it works. We all work ourselves into ruts. Whether for good or evil, disruption breaks the cycle.

Personal change and improvement is always possible, and seldom easy. We have to fight against our biology, which tends towards the comfort of the known. We also have to fight our psychology and all the negative soundtracks that keep us from becoming the best versions of ourselves.

To grow as a person, as a spouse, as a parent, and as a Catholic, we must continuously disrupt the lifestyle choices that hold us back. It’s a well-worn concept, one that St. Francis took to fanatical levels. It’s what Pope Francis meant when he instructed us to go out into the world and make a mess!

We share the same string of defeats. Goals unfulfilled, plans that fell apart. Goals and planning are the maps to our destination, but before we can take the first step, we have to commit with our minds and our hearts. External factors can inspire us, but when your alarm goes off at 5:00am, and it’s time to work out and pray, no one can do it for you. You can be inspired to be a more loving spouse, but only you can make that happen.

When we have the fortitude and grit to disrupt our lives, we can begin to live in the world of the possible. We don’t have to stay stuck or stay bored, we do have to dig deep, practice patience, and become comfortable with the uncomfortable.