The center of the daily life of the Church is the Eucharist, but it’s not the whole life. Most of us have been unable to physically access the Mass for the past several months, leading to great sorrow. In the midst of this suffering, we’ve experienced the beauty of opening the domestic church.

The domestic church is an idea codified during the Second Vatican Council. It’s not a physical structure; it’s the place where the family lives and serves one another. It’s the atmosphere in which faith is taught, where we first learn about God, and we each seek to do His will.

Home is our family’s refuge from the world. It’s a place of safety and peace. It’s the place where we work, play, pray, create, learn, and rest. A child’s home is their first school. It’s the place where they learn virtue, morality, and about their faith.

The doors to our parishes may be closed and locked, but a new Church has been opened in every home. Never before has there been such a profound opportunity to live out this idea. Our circumstances encourage us to pursue an active faith life at home. It’s easy for us to lean heavily on our parishes to provide not only the sacraments, but religious instruction, community gatherings, and devotionals. While quarantined at home, we are confronted with the reality that the parish is meant to support the faith life that we cultivate in our home.

Now’s the time to continue your good work. Continue to find new ways to pray together as a family. As your family’s faith life matures, find new devotionals and practices to incorporate into your week. Be confident in your ability to teach your children about God, faith, and morality. Parents are the primary educators of their children. Be bold enough to take personal responsibility for that role!

Now that Churches are re-opening, don’t let your domestic church close!