I love this last week of the year. There’s a feeling of hope and anticipation for the New Year. We’re eager for this grand reset, and we even start believing that we can change our lives for the better.

Each year around this time I start thinking about my 2017 goals. I’m sure that you’re the same. It’s easy, and important, to focus on the usual ones. Eat better, exercise more, learn a new language, read a ton of books. I need to work on being a better me, but for 2017, I want to improve myself for others.

It’s easy to forget that my first vocation, my first job, is to be the husband that I can be. I need to improve my communication and increase my acts of service. I need to go the extra mile. I need to be spontaneous. If I give everything that I’ve got, there will be a peace and harmony in my house unlike any other.

I know that this is an area where I need improvement. It’s my goal for 2017 to reach for that ideal. I hope that you’ll join me.