If It’s Broken, Fix It
If you take a careful look at the mass produced products on the market today, you’ll note just how disposable our culture has become. Cars are safer, but feature more plastic. Furniture is rarely made with hard woods, but instead with pressed wood. Homes more and more are built using cheap materials that don’t stand the test of time. Even when it comes to relationships, people have become commoditized. When something breaks, we think replacement and not repair, oftentimes to the detriment of our budget.
I’m not too mechanically inclined, but I do enjoy making small repairs on our cars. My goal is to make our vehicles last as long as possible and, often, they will with the right care. I regularly wash them, keep the interior clean, and will replace or upgrade parts on the car. In fact, almost all of your car’s annoyances can be fixed in your driveway. It’s a fun hobby and I enjoy learning. The payoff is even greater. Cars that, despite their age, look great and last and the total cost of repairs over a given period is generally less than replacing the vehicle.
Self-help auto repairs are even easier these days thanks to the internet. Having a problem with your car? Type your description with the year and model into Google and you’ll find the answer. Wondering how to make the repair? Head on over to YouTube and watch someone else do it and follow along. Certainly there are some repairs that are best left to the mechanic, but as my grandfather used to say, if you can pay someone to do, you can do it.
The most important thing when it comes to car ownership is making sure you have a solid foundation. Squeaky belts and whining blower fans can be replaced. As long as your engine runs and the interior is in good shape, you can have a car that will go the distance for you and your family.