How to Help Your Wife Live Her Dreams
Alison has been accepted into a medical Natural Family Planning course later this year. I’m not sure how long this has been a dream of hers, but a year into her medical career, I know that she’s eager to live this dream. It’s important that while you’re chasing your dreams, you ensure that you’re doing all that you can to support your wife’s. After all, she supports you in everything that you do.
Depending on your wife’s particular dream, your role will vary. If she’s training for an athletic event, you can help with menu planning, food prep, or child care during her training time. If she’s trying to launch a business, you can adjust your demands on her time. No matter what she’s doing, you can’t do it for her, but you can do other things around her that will allow her to pursue her dream. Be tenacious and willing to sacrifice some of your time so that she can do something that she’s really passionate about.
Your full commitment is required in order for her to be successful. None of us can accomplish anything on our own as we rely heavily on our spouses for support. If you’re half-hearted in supporting her dream, she may never fully accomplish it. That’s the worst case scenario. Give her everything that you’ve got. Find new ways of helping, cheer her on, and do all that you can to help make her a success.
As a married couple, you’re a team. Your wins are shared, as are your losses. By helping your wife live her dreams, you not only help her to have a better life, but you help your family have a better life. You all get to share in the glory of a win.
Chase your dreams, pursue your passions, and do everything you can to help your wife do the same.