While Alison and I moved to Virginia a little over a year ago, it wasn’t until a few weeks ago that we actually did some serious exploring in our town. The gorgeous weather enticed us to go on a Sunday drive. These drives have largely fallen out of favor among American families since the rise of gas prices over the past decade. We drove around and discovered a huge sports complex, some really nice housing, and discovered that our town has an unbelievable number of churches. Sunday drives are about family, adventure, and most of all, relaxation. We need to rediscover that lost art.

Driving, which should be a pleasure, has devolved into a chore. If we have to drive somewhere, we get stressed. We’re discourteous to one another on the road, we loathe any slowdowns, and frankly, we’re mean people that we’d never be in any other situation. Seriously, who gets mad at handicapped people in real life? For whatever reason, we check our empathy and courtesy at the door, literally, whenever we get behind the wheel. Sunday drives recapture the spirit of adventure, peace, and freedom that driving has always innately contained.

In the Spring and Fall, Sunday drives give us an excellent opportunity to enjoy the weather. We could be driving to look at leaves, going to a picnic, heading over to a friend’s house, or on our way to find something new that we’ve never seen before. Driving allows you to enjoy the seasons on a grander scale. You could drive to a town, a nature preserve, or a hiking path 30 minutes away and take in the scenery on your way to and from your destination.

One other really cool way to use Sunday drives is for dream time. If you’re planning on staying in your city for an extended period of time, you could drive around and look at housing. You could dream about what home you might want to buy, what address you’d like to have, and how different your life will be in X number of years. It may even help you to get motivated about achieving your financial goals so that you can afford that house when it inevitably goes on the market.

Sunday drives embody the American Spirit and encourage us to slow down and enjoy the journey. While every week may be too often, I hope that you’ll consider taking your family out for a Sunday drive at least once this month so that you can explore and dream together.