Our townhouse has a small and very cheap deck built onto the back. It doesn’t sit very high off the ground and the wood is in terrible shape. It was built sixteen years ago and hasn’t been treated, cleaned, or stained ever. While it’s nothing fancy, it’s a decent place to hang out. This year for my birthday, my parents got me several deck items from IKEA and now it’s an amazing place to hang out at night! If you have some outdoor space at your home, dress it up a bit and enjoy these summer nights outdoors with great company.

There’s something romantic about summer nights. The sun doesn’t set until late, and the relative cool of the evening brings relief after hot days. It’s magical to be outside, listening to great music, hanging out with friends, and enjoying a beer. It’s the kind of night that’s the stuff of legend. Yet, even if you don’t have friends over, it can be awesome to just hang

out with your wife, read a book, or watch a movie under the stars.

Beautiful nights should be enjoyed as much as days. When the weather is just right, I long all day for the sun to go down so that Alison and I can go out on the deck and enjoy the night. It’s slow-paced, relaxing, and just a great atmosphere. Hanging out on the deck brings the day to a perfect close. Plus, if you can see the stars from your home, it’s really an injustice for you not to go outside and enjoy them.

When you can, bring friends out onto your deck at night. Keep it to an intimate setting, but relax and enjoy the company. Nights under the stars and lit by soft deck lighting is the perfect fluid for great conversations. Laugh, eat, drink, and enjoy life.

Whether or not you have a deck, it’s just as important to enjoy the summer nights as it is to enjoy the summer days. So grill up some food, invite some friends over, and marvel at the night sky.