Believe it or not, the summer months are upon us! Schools will soon be shuttering their doors for the season and temperatures will continue to rise, allowing for a more robust daily outdoor schedule. Summer signals more than just a season of rest, relaxation, and recreation; it signals the midpoint of the year.

Amazingly we’re almost half-way through 2015. You might find that thought a bit terrifying. It’s not that time is moving too quickly, it’s that our New Year’s plans and resolutions are probably looking very different right about now. New things have become more important and maybe you never really got your resolutions and goals off the ground. The good news is, summer is a great new opportunity for us to get the ball moving in the right direction.

I don’t want to let this summer season wash over me. I want to do something amazing! I want to sit down at my desk one morning this Fall and report back that this was the best summer ever! Yet, neither of us will be able to make that claim unless we declare today to be the starting line. Weight loss, working on a passion project, or trying something totally new are all compatible with the hope and newness of summer. Spring woke us up and summer is pushing us out of the nest into the great wide world. Don’t defer your dreams for another six months for January 1, get into gear now!

Spend time with your family, work on your marriage, go on outings, take advantage of work slow downs and enjoy the great outdoors. Put down your phone, pick up a book and explore new worlds. These are all the things that summer was made for. The start of summer is here full of hope, excitement, and opportunity. Press the reset button and start running after your dreams!