In life, it becomes incredibly easy to take things for granted. Small joys and simple pleasures tend to melt into the background after their initial newness fades. Something as wonderfully cute as a snoring baby can amount to little if we don’t consciously take a moment to enjoy it.

We spend most of our time looking forward or looking backward. We want to reach that next step, it will be better. We want to look at the past, it was better. When we do this, we forget to enjoy the here and now. When we spend too much time looking forward or backward, we miss out on the opportunities and joys that today has in store for us.

Our children are only young for so long. Your wife won’t be around forever. Don’t allow yourself to take the most precious things in your life for granted. These treasures are meant to be enjoyed.

Live today and be grateful for all of the little things that you have.