In your lifetime, you’ll try many new things. You’ll be an amateur at a lot of hobbies. More important than experience, however, is confidence.

I’ve written before about my supposed qualifications for writing this blog, or really writing anything for that matter. The fact is, I’m confident that I’m not a marriage expert. At the same time, I’m confident that I’m getting better at it every day.

In marriage, time doesn’t equal success and it doesn’t equal wisdom. I know, as you probably do too, couples who were married for 30 years before getting divorced. It’s not like a talent or a job where you put in your time and then BOOM, you’re successful.

So what does this mean for you?

No matter how long you’ve been married, and how well you’ve done so far, today is the day that you start being awesome. Today is the day that you can start having an awesome marriage. It won’t be great right away, but it will be better than yesterday.

So if you’ve been lazy or lost the spark, now’s the time to get it back. Now’s the time to focus on your relationship and be a better player. Now’s the time to get in gear.

There are no marriage experts, only people who’ve successfully lived out their vocation.

It’s never too late to do the right thing.