Where Are You Going?
We weren’t made for life on Earth. We were made to know, love, and serve God in this life and be with Him forever in the next (Baltimore Catechism).
Yet, it can be easy to forget where we’re going.
I’ve had quite a few stressors in my life lately. The transition out of the workforce, the move to Virginia, and several other issues related to these major changes have been hard on me. I’m pretty impatient when it comes to getting issues resolved. So when there’s a problem, I want it fixed, today. Unfortunately, most problems aren’t fixed so easily. As a result of this added stress, I found myself becoming less loving towards Alison and not as helpful around the house.
I’d prefer sitting on the couch to unpacking. I’d let her get up with Benedict in the morning. I wouldn’t volunteer to help feed him.
No good.
As a part of a regular self-examination, I saw the pattern. I knew something needed to change. I wasn’t being the husband I wanted to be. I wasn’t being the father I wanted to be.
Our spiritual walk is much like what I experienced. Things come up, so we let our prayer life slide. Sinning looks much more fun than being holy. So we sin. We miss Mass one Sunday because we’re sick, and the next weekend, we seriously consider skipping just because.
Our actions speak louder than words. While we’re meant to enjoy Eternal Life with our Father, our choices will dictate if that happens or not. Our choices affect our salvation in a very real way.
It can be so easy for us, in the monotony of our daily lives to lose sight of the eternal. It’s easy to become complacent. But complacency kills.
Am I loving?
Am I forgiving?
Do I really want to go to Heaven?
Do my actions reflect this desire?
Fight complacency. Live for the Eternal!