Little Surprises
Love can be a difficult thing to show. Since it’s an abstract concept, bringing it into the physical world can present a challenge. It’s because of this challenge that some lesser men can manipulate it to achieve an agenda. They can use it to manipulate people. For us, it’s about showing our wife in many different ways how much we love her.
I like serving people. At work, though I’m not a secretary, I try to bring that level of service to my colleagues. It’s not my job to handle “small administrative details, but I like doing them because of the value that I know I bring to the group. At home, I like doing the same small acts of service for Alison. I like being secretive about them so they catch her by surprise. Whether it’s throughly cleaning the kitchen or having a warm bath ready when she gets home from work, these little surprises pick us both up.
We all need “pick-me-ups.” They can either make a good day great, or a bad day better. They break the daily grid and are quite pleasant, especially when they’re unexpected. On top of that, little surprises are lots of fun. They’re not some grand overt display, they’re a small reminder of the goodness in each other.
• Little surprises remind her why she married you. No matter how long ago you were married, your wife probably had a detailed set of reasons why she said “Yes.” It probably included something about your kindness and thoughtfulness. She didn’t have to say yes. A little surprise from time to time will reinforce in her mind that she made the right decision.
• Little surprises remind her that she’s loved. Marriages go through ups and downs. Careers go from hot to cold. The world keeps turning and getting more unpredictable. Amidst all of that, little surprises from you remind her that no matter what she’s loved by at least one person.
• Little surprises brighten her day. A small act of kindness can change the script on a day or put it over the top. They are never a disappointment.
There are plenty of ways to surprise your wife in small and fun ways. From a major cleaning project to hot chocolate when she comes in out of the cold, they reinforce her value as a person and as your wife. Do them often.