A great thing about being married is that your spouse is not you.

You have been raised in a particular set of circumstances and with certain opportunities that have shaped you into the man you are today. You have your hobbies and interests because of your upbringing. That is awesome!

Being married makes it twice the fun!

Your wife is uniquely her own, which presents a great opportunity for shared learning. You have the chance to show her the things you’re passionate about and you get to share the experience with her. The same goes for her showing you her world.

This fun can only happen if you invite her into your element.

She won’t love everything. She may enjoy it, but not as much as you. Or she may become just as passionate about the activity or hobby as you are.

You can’t live a truly integrated married life if you both spend all of your leisure time separately. If you spend all Saturday watching College Football and she spends it shopping, where was your opportunity for quality time?

Don’t assume you know how she feels about your interests or activities. She may just be waiting for your invitation.