We humans yearn to be connected.
We connect in person, on the phone, via text, or on the internet.
We are made to be in community.
The reason we long for community is that we need support. Life is challenging and we can’t do it on our own.
In marriage, you are the first line of support for your spouse. No matter what happens, they can always count on you. And you can count on them.
There are macro and micro ways that this support is demonstrated. You might support your spouse in a career change (macro) or you might clean up the house when they are working an overnight shift (micro).
As we’ve discussed before, we have to continue to die to ourselves in order to truly experience the joy of marriage. The more we lose ourself in love to our spouse, the more deeply and completely we can be in union with them.
Focus on the big things, but don’t forget the little things. Sometimes it’s the little things that make all the difference in the world.