Keep Holy the Sabbath
We all hate Mondays. I get it. But, do we really have to?
For many years, I ignored God’s commandment to “Keep Holy the Sabbath.” The going to Church part wasn’t an issue. I always go to Mass on Sundays. Then, I’d come home and take a nap. I’d wake up, only to be saddened knowing that the freedom of Friday and joy of Saturday was quickly slipping away on a Sunday afternoon.
It wasn’t until I was in college that I finally grasped what this commandment was trying to help me do. One Sunday at lunch in the cafeteria, a friend was talking about how they try not to study on Sundays because they wanted to have a Holy Day. It struck me as revolutionary.
Every person SHOULD keep holy the Sabbath because it can help you have a better week.
Up until that point, I studied mostly on Sundays. I was always tired and crabby on Monday. The reason was simple. If God needed a day off every week, He was most likely telling me that I needed one too. I can’t say that I started performing better under this new structure, but I can say that I was happier.
When I graduated and moved out into the world, I kept this rule. When Friday afternoon rolled around, I removed any opportunity for me to read work emails at home or do any other work. Most of my chores happened on Saturday and Sunday was just a day to be.
I have found that when I get Sunday its proper place, I am much more energized for the week. I am excited to get back to work to do the things that will continue to fulfill me.
The problem is, you need good time management skills and discipline to make this happen. You need to have a plan to get your chores and work done so that Sunday is a fun day.
There is another reason why you should keep Holy the Sabbath. Your family needs you. Monday through Friday, you work most of your waking hours. Saturday and Sunday are your best opportunities to spend quality time with your loved ones. Don’t let work get in the way of that because you didn’t plan ahead.
It can be hard initially to put this idea into practice, but it pays dividends.