There is a growing chorus among young ladies today. They are recognizing a trend in our society. We have a society full of boys. Women don’t want to marry a boy; they want to marry a man.

What is the difference between a boy and a man? There aren’t enough words in the world to make all of the distinctions. I’ll cover a few key ones here.

Women don’t want a little boy who cares more about his toys than about his wife. Women don’t want a little boy who would rather play with his friends than spend an evening in with his wife. Women don’t want a little boy that they have to clean up after, they want a man who takes responsibility.

Women don’t want a little boy that they can’t rely on emotionally, they want a rock to lean on. Women don’t want a little boy that doesn’t listen, they want a man who shows empathy. Women don’t want a little boy that ignores the importance of religion, they want a man with the faith of St. Joseph.

Women don’t want a little boy that sits at home all day, they want a man who contributes to the family. Women don’t want a little boy that they can’t have a conversation with, they want a man who speaks intelligently.

Men, we’ve been beaten down. They’ve tried to put us in the corner. They’re wrong.

It is time for us to lead our families with the heart of a servant. It is time for us to take our role seriously. It is time for us to love our children by loving our wives well. It is time we give less time to the TV and spend more time listening to our wives.

We need to make dinner time family time. We need to leave our work at work and focus on being husbands and fathers at home. We need to give our families the gift of ourselves.

It won’t be easy to turn the corner. Boys don’t become men overnight. But we need to turn this corner fast. Our wives need us. Our families need us.

It’s time to be men.