My wife and I don’t have cable. We are currently on the Dave Ramsey plan and, well, we don’t really need it. Instead, like many households today, we simply have subscriptions to Netflix and Hulu+. A few months ago, The Office had a line mentioning Downton Abbey.

I had never seen an episode, but there seemed to be a lot of talk about it. Finally, my wife and I watched an episode. Then another, then all of Season 1 and 2. We have just recently started watching Season 3 and are loving it.

Truthfully, sometimes while watching the show, I wonder if watching is something a man should be doing. In our culture, for men especially, there are certain things that are okay for us to be interested in, and some things that are not okay. I’m thinking Downton Abbey falls on the wrong side of the line, but I’m not sure.

The thing I am sure about, however, is that Downton Abbey is a great tool for teaching men how to be better husbands.

There is something sexy about chivalry. I think it is fair to say that most women believe it should be the standard, not the exception. Watching Downton Abbey, men today can find unique ways to woo the woman that they love. Most notably perhaps, is the mail. Pay attention to how the characters pour over their letters. It is a universal fact that women love receiving love letters. Remember, courtship doesn’t stop at “I do.” Of course, this is just the beginning of ideas.

So, gentlemen, have an evening in with your lady this week and watch Downton Abbey… and learn. You just might like the results.