Today is Good Friday.

My thought for today is very simple. Christ died because of what I have done. His passion was because I chose to not love Him fully. He suffered because I am selfish.

Christ died for the Church. He gave His own life in exchange for the life of His Bride. He is a model for us as husbands.

We are called to lay down our lives for our brides. We are called to sacrifice for them.

On a large scale, it is easy to grasp this concept. On a smaller level, it is much more difficult. It is hard to remember when we are in a situation where our wife has done something that annoys us.

Today, let us acknowledge where we have failed as husbands, where we have failed as men. Today, let us look to the cross and see the example of who we are to be. Today, let us love our wives better than we did yesterday.